Finally, an update.
“I'm not crazy 'cause I take the right pills every day…” - Jimmy Eat World
Mood stabilizers are my best friend.
My psychiatrist listened to me, looked at my entire psychiatric history and the human in front of him, and figured out that I am, in fact, bipolar.
Bipolar II, to be exact, because my depression is still stronger than my mania.
I did not do an outpatient program in March - instead, the vet diagnosed my old man dog with cancer,
and I decided time with him was more important.
The suicidal thoughts went away. The hypomania finally went away after eight weeks.
I only fell back on old ways of coping (self-mutilation) once.
I am sleeping and reading books again.
I still feel like a poor small business owner with a failing business, but I know that’s not entirely true.
Treating patients continues to be my favorite thing to do.
And I am so fucking thankful for everyone that took time out of their day to call, message, text, and ask how I am doing.
It’s easier when you know people are rooting for you.
So, thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I will continue to keep you updated.