Head Ease Tea (2 oz)

Head Ease Tea (2 oz)


Handmade tea blend from Jayida Ché (which means good tea), a woman run small business, in Atlanta, Georgia.

Head Ease is a blend of antispasmodic herbs. We curated this tea  to help relieve mild inflammation and cramping or spasm of muscles and/or nerves. However, Headaches have complex origins and can be a symptom of a larger problems. Head Ease helps you find relief when you are experiencing a headache from stress, tension, allergies, sick, and tensed. Try this tea before you go for the over-the-counter pain meds.  We recommend to sip slowly 3-5 times per week when experiencing allergy issues. Let the aroma and soothing herbs bring comfort to your body.

Caffeine: None

Consult with your doctor if you are pregnant, breast feeding, or taking any medications.

Organic Ingredients: Fever few herb, lavender, honeysuckle, peppermint, rosemary, and dried cherries. 

note: we source our ingredients from organic, local, and fair trade suppliers

Product Details:

  • 1 ounce, approximately 10 servings

  • Recommended serving size: 2 teaspoons /8-10 ounces of water

Jayida (Good) for:

  • Eases tension in the nerves

  • Open up sinuses

  • Aids in relaxation

  • Thins and dries phlegm / mucus

These statements have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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