Kismet Acupuncture & Apothecary

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Why do I recommend regular acupuncture treatments to my patients? And why should you add regular acupuncture treatments to your self-care routine?

🌻 Reduction of stress: acupuncture decreases ♥️ rate, lowers blood pressure & relaxes the muscles
🌻 Sleep Improvement: acupuncture calms the mind, lifts the spirit, resets our body clock & allows us to get deeper, more restorative sleep
🌻 Reduction of Pain: acupuncture improves blood flow and releases pain relieving endorphins & serotonin
🌻 Strengthens the Immune System: Scientists have determined that acupuncture enhances the production of natural killer cells - the primary mechanism against organisms that make us sick. It also regulates white blood cells which are linked to fighting against infections, allergic reactions & autoimmune disorders.